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Monday, November 4, 2013

Making Our Drums!

Buchanan staff spent some time discussing, listening and learning about the cultural significance of the combination of wood and animal hide when making a drum. Together, these important pieces create the voice of the drum. Mr. Mavroudis video recorded Corey Campbell as he shared how the voice of the drum comes to be. We will use this video to share the instructional information with each classroom. It was a great time of learning and creating! 

Soon, our friends from Hedges Middle School, will help the first class assemble their drums. A big thank you to the continued support of our volunteers and neighbours! 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Volunteers Are The Best!!

Buchanan School is so fortunate to have volunteers working to prep the hides, frames and drum sticks. Prepping 300 drums and sticks is a big endeavour! We are so thankful for the time, effort and skill of our volunteers.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Seven Sacred Teachings -song by room 19 (June 2013)

Check the song written by Room 19, Vic O'Neail, Riley O'Neail and Ashely Queen. Thanks Ms. Queen for sharing the video!

Sample Drums

Mr. Laguardia is a talented drum designer. Check out some of his creations. Thank you Mr. Laguardia for leading some of our classes through the initial stages of creating our personal drums!

Rawhide prep!

Linda is very excited to have all the rawhide ready to go! Next step: punch holes into 300 circles of goat skin. We're looking for volunteers to help out with sanding the drum frames.